Swapping and Aggregation
Supported Chains & Assets

Supported Chains & Assets


Our SDK/API uses human-readable strings to identify chains. For more information, see Get Chains

Ethereumperseverance sisyphos mainnet
Bitcoinperseverance sisyphos mainnet
Polkadotperseverance sisyphos mainnet


Our SDK/API uses human-readable strings to identify assets. For more information, see Get Assets.

ETHEthereumperseverance sisyphos mainnet
BTCBitcoinperseverance sisyphos mainnet
USDCEthereumperseverance sisyphos mainnet
FLIPEthereumperseverance sisyphos mainnet
DOTPolkadotperseverance sisyphos mainnet

EVM addresses

Ethereum Mainnet

Perseverance Testnet - Goerli

Chainflip Networks

We currently support different networks for different purposes:

  • Mainnet: Our mainnet deployment. Learn more in Mainnet Documentation.
  • Perseverance: Our persistent testnet. Learn more in Perseverance Documentation.
  • Sisyphos: Our staging network where we test releases before upgrading Perseverance.

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